TitleNetworked Systems Theory: Distributed Algorithms for Optimal Cooperation of Dynamical Systems
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsPallottino, L
EditorCrisostomi, E, Ghaddar, B, Hausler, F, Naoum-Sawaya, J, Russo, G, Shorten, R
Book TitleAnalytics for the Sharing Economy: Mathematics, Engineering and Business Perspectives
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
ISBN Number978-3-030-35032-1

Interconnection of a large number of systems has become a reality from a technological point of view although intelligent connection among smart systems still presents a challenge in several application scenarios. More specifically, when many smart devices must accomplish an overall goal based on information exchanges with other devices, several factors render this task a real challenge, such as, knowing what specific information to exchange, with whom, how to go about it, and when this exchange will occur. Moreover, interconnected devices may require access to or the use of common resources, making the management of the overall system even more complex. The management of shared resources usually sets the goal of optimizing usage while guaranteeing achievement of the overall goals. Algorithms or protocols that grant the device a correct, safe and optimized access to resources play a fundamental role. In this chapter we will provide those algorithms that are fundamental in several different application scenarios that allow for the development of more complex algorithms in order to manage interconnected systems in the management of shared resources.

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