Linking statistical physics, bioengineering, hydrology and fluid mechanics with metabolic theories of ecology across microbial ecosystems: theory and high-throughput experiments". Financed by the SNF Sinergia Programme, the project   aims to develop a comprehensive theoretical and experimental framework for predicting resource usage and allocation to living organisms in the presence of pertubations. The applications and impacts cover several fields from environmental science, to ecology and bioengineering

SENSEI:SEgmentation of Neurons using Standard and SupEr-resolution mIcroscopy

SENSEI is a Human Brain Project Partnering Project. Its objectives are to accurately quantify neuronal morphology at tissue and molecular levels through the development of intelligent segmentation-based image processing algorithms and to improve the quality of neuronal imaging using new membrane probes for conventional and emerging super-resolution imaging technologies. Specifically, we will develop an algorithm for isolating single neurons or smaller neuronal structures from 3D datasets representing the intricacies of the brain micro-structure.

NI: Natural Intelligence for Robotic Monitoring of Habitats

Global warming and pollution pose significant threats to the environment. Most of the policies put forward aim to restore and preserve ecosystems by increasing the coverage of protected biodiversity-rich land and sea areas, building on the Natura 2000 network. The EU-funded NI project aims to serve the European Green Deal via monitoring the natural habitats belonging to the network with robots able to effectively move in dunes, grasslands, forests and alpine terrains.

DARKO: Dynamic Agile Production Robots That Learn and Optimise Knowledge and Operations

Key to agile production is efficient flow of material, also known as intralogistics. Although very promising as a flexible component in intralogistics chains, robotics has not yet found its way into agile production. Especially for operation alongside humans, current robots lack the required high degree of flexibility, capability, cost-effectiveness and safety. The EU-funded DARKO project is developing cutting-edge agile production robots with energy-efficient elastic actuators to execute highly dynamic motions (throwing, picking and placing while in motion).

EXPERIENCE: The “Extended-Personal Reality”: augmented recording and transmission of virtual senses through artificial-IntelligENCE

Social media has transformed the way we communicate through text, images, and videos. Despite recent technological avenues, virtual reality (VR) has not been incorporated in social platforms, hence limiting the comprehensive sharing of an EXPERIENCE. This project makes real the complex interplay between multisensory perception, emotional responses, past experiences, and perspective of the future also by disentangling the mental representation of self in space and time.

POTION: Promoting social interaction through emotional body odours

The way chemistry influences human communication is one of the most intriguing and debated topics. More specifically, the nature of chemosignals and their sphere of influence on social interaction is a very important key to understanding human behaviour. POTION proposes a novel technological paradigm to delve deeper into understanding meaningful social interaction, combining new knowledge about the chemical composition of human social chemosignals together with a novel olfactory-based technology designed to drive social behaviour.

GIOTTO: Active aGeIng and Osteoporosis: The next challenge for smarT nanobiOmaterials and 3D technologies

Osteoporosis is a systemic, degenerative disorder, predominantly affecting postmenopausal women (1 out of 3) but also men at an advanced age (1 out of 5) and it increases the prevalence of fracture risk. One fifth of people suffering an osteoporotic fracture will die within a year and half will become dependent. Appropriate anti-osteoporotic drugs are available but have serious side effects and they do not promote fracture healing.

PATROLS: Physiologically Anchored Tools for Realistic nanOmateriaL hazard aSsessment

PATROLS is an international project combining a team of academics, industrial scientists, government officials and risk assessors to deliver advanced and realistic tools and methods for nanomaterial safety assessment. PATROLS has provided an innovative and effective set of laboratory techniques and computational tools to more reliably predict potential human and environmental hazards resulting from engineered nanomaterial (ENM) exposures. These tools will minimise the necessity of animal testing and will support future categorisation of ENMs in order to support safety frameworks.

ABEM: African Biomedical Engineering Mobility

The African Biomedical Engineering Mobility (ABEM) project is funded by the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission. The scheme is modelled on Europe’s well-established and successful Erasmus-Mundus programme.
