TitleDiscrete and Hybrid Nonholonomy
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2004
Conference NameHybrid Systems: Computation and Control
Edited Volume2993
Publication Languageeng
AuthorsBicchi, A, Marigo, A, Piccoli, B
EditorAlur, R, Pappas, G
KeywordsEmbedded Control, Robotics

In this paper we consider the generalization of the classical notion of nonholonomy of smooth constraints in analytical mechanics, to a substantially wider set of systems, allowing for discrete and hybrid (mixed continuous and discrete) configurations and transitions. We show that the general notion of nonholonomy can be captured by the definition of two different types of nonholonomicbehaviours, which we call {\em internal}nd {\em external}, respectively. Examples are reported of systems exhibiting either the former only, or the latter only, or both. For some classes of systems, we provide equivalent or sufficient characterizations of such definitions, which allow for practical tests.

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