Robotics Research Jam Sessions

Spring Session 2019

April 26, 2019
School of Engineering
University of Pisa



Aula Pacinotti, Polo A, School of Engineering
Largo Lucio Lazzarino, 2, 56122, Pisa (PI) [download the map]

Information on Hotels and Logistics 


April 26 - Aula Pacinotti

09.00 Welcome 
Antonio Bicchi, University of Pisa, Italy

09.15 Robots that Interact
Manolo Garabini, University of Pisa, Italy

09.35 Representation learning for control of high-dimensional dynamic systems
Han-Lim Choi, KAIST, Korea

09.55 Lessons from Remote Sensing for Autonomous Vehicles on Earth
Matt Johnson-Roberson, University of Michigan, USA

10.15 Human-assisted Robotics
Paolo Robuffo Giordano, CNRS Rennes, France

10.35 A vision for Tactile Dexterity
Alberto Rodriguez, MIT, USA 

10.55 Coffee Break

11.10 Efficient Navigation and Path Planning in Human Environments
Maren Bennewitz, University of Bonn, Germany

11.30 Vision, Touch and Motion: On the Value of Multimodal Data in Robot Manipulation and How to Leverage it
Jeanette Bohg, Stanford University, USA

11.50 Continuously learning robots
Franziska Meier, Facebook, USA

12.10 Soft Robots
Giorgio Grioli, IIT Genoa, Italy

12.30 Dynamic Motion for a Wheeled-inverted-pendulum Humanoid Robot
Seth Hutchinson, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA


The Robotics Research Jam Sessions 2019 are organized with the support of the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Italian Chapter and the IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Haptics