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July 18, 2016
Polo Etruria, Room F5
July 19, 2016
Polo Etruria, Room F3
College of Engineering
University of Pisa

The workshop will take place in Room F5 (18th of July) and Room F3 (19th of July), Polo Etruria, College of Engineering, Via Diotisalvi, Pisa.
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Hotels in Pisa and logistical information



July 18 - Room F5

13.00 Lunch - catering "TiCucinoBIO"

14.00 Welcome and Introduction
Lucia Pallottino, Università di Pisa

14.30 From Aerial Vehicles to Aerial Robots through the lens of Tethering and Full-Actuation [Abstract]
Antonio Franchi, LAAS-CNRS, France [Bio]

15.00 Teach by demonstration and walk-through programming of industrial robots [Abstract]
Cesare Fantuzzi, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy [Bio]

15.30 Human-Robot Interaction [Abstract]
Bram Vanderborght, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium [Bio]

16.00 Automated Discovery and Learning of Complex Movement Behaviours [Abstract]
Igor Mordatach, University of California, Berkeley [Bio]

16.30 Coffe Break - catering "TiCucinoBIO"

17.00 Robots for minimally invasive surgery: the importance of targeting [Abstract]
Arianna Menciassi, Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Pisa [Bio]

17.30 Robot-Assisted Transoral Laser Microsurgery: Enhancing surgical precision, safety and quality [Abstract]
Leonardo De Mattos, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova [Bio]

18.00 The economic and business perspective of robotics [Abstract]
Giuseppe Turchetti, Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Pisa [Bio]

18.30 Designing Autonomous Robots for Complex Environments [Abstract]
Paolo Fiorini, Università di Verona [Bio]

July 19 - Room F3

9.00 Sensory-motor synergies for the design of robotic and haptic systems [Abstract]
Matteo Bianchi, Università di Pisa [Bio]

9.30 Cutaneous haptic feedback to improve the performance and safety of robotic teleoperation systems [Abstract]
Claudio Pacchierotti, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova [Bio]

10.00 Navigation Systems for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles [Abstract]
Riccardo Costanzi, Università di Pisa [Bio]

10.30 Coffe Break

11.00 Humanistic Robotics: the Italian way to the third industrial revolution? [Abstract]
Marco Bettiol, Università di Padova [Bio]

11.30 Inhomogeneous Point-Process Stochastic Models for the Assessment of Gait Nonlinear Dynamics [Abstract]
Gaetano Valenza, Università di Pisa [Bio]

12.00 Image based surgical solutions complementary and alternative to robotics [Abstract]
Vincenzo Ferrari, Università di Pisa [Bio]